Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine




  Perillaldehyde, Perilla-Aldehyde

Plant Names


English Latin
Beefsteak plantPerilla frutescensOil of leaves, Plant, Volatitile oil
Bitter orangeCitrus x aurantium
Black pepperPiper nigrumFruit
CalamondinCitrus x microcarpaFruit juice
CarawayCarum carviSeed
CeleriacApium graveolensSeed
Citronella grassCymbopogon nardusPlant
CuminCuminum cyminumSeed
Garland chrysanthemumGlebionis coronaria
GingerZingiber officinaleOil from the root
Great water-parsnipSium latifolium
Key limeCitrus x aurantiifoliaFruit
KumquatsCitrus japonica
LemonCitrus x limonFruit
Peruvian pepperSchinus molleFruit
ShisoPerilla frutescens var. crispa
Spear mintMentha spicataLeaf, Volatitile oil

Source: LiberHerbarum/In1799

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen