Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Yellow oleander





Yellow oleander, Bastard oleander, Bestill tree, Exile oil plant, Exile tree, Luckynut, Lucky nut-tree, Mexican oleander, Peruvian oleander, Trumpet flower


Cascabela thevetia (L.) Lippold, Thevetia neriifolia Juss. ex A.DC., Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum., Cascabela thevetia, Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) Merr, Thevetia neriifolia JUSS. EX STEUD.


Cortex, Fruit, Grain, Juice of bark, Milky juice, Plant, Seeds, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Antifebrile, Antipyretic, Bitter, Bitter Tonic, BodyRub, constipation, Costive, Costiveness, Discharge of urine, Dyschezia, Dyssynergic defaecation, embrocation, emetic, Febrifugal, febrifuge, induce vomiting, Intermittent fever, linement, Liniment, liniments, massage, Meteorism, Pungent, Pyretic, reduce fevers, relieves fevers, rub, rubbing into, rubbing remedy, snakebite, Snake bites, sores, Traumatic injury, Used in the treatment of snake bites, vomitive, Wound, wound care, wounds, wound treatment


Poison, Poisonous, Toxic

Other uses

Narcotic, narcotic effect

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in Nepal, Phytomedical use in the Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana), Phytomedical use in Vietnam, Used in Bangladesh


 Alpha-Amyrin, Arachidic acid, aucubin, Beta-Sitosterol, betulin, Cardenolide, fat, Kaempferol, linoleic acid, Lupeol, Natural rubber, Oleic acid, Palmitic acid, Quercetin, resin, Stearic acid, triterpene, Ursolic acid, Β-amyrin

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn6732

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen