Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine





Myrtle family (Myrtaceae)


Cajuput, Cajeput, Kajeputbaum, Swamp tea tree, Vietnamese cajuput oil, Weeping paperbark, Weeping tea tree, White samet, White tea tree


Melaleuca cajuputi Maton & Sm. ex R.Powell, Melaleuca saligna (J.F.Gmel.) Reinw. ex Blume, Melaleuca cajuputi Roxb., Melaleuca cuninghami Schau., Melaleuca saligna Bl.


Essential oil distilld from leaf, Volatile oil distilld from twigs

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Ache, Aches, Analgesic, Anodyne, Antalgic, Anthelmintic, Anthelmintics, Anti-bacterial, Antibacterial Agent, Anti-helminthic, Antihelminthics, Anti-helmintic, antiseptic, Anti-spasmodic, Bactericidal, Bactericide, Bacteriostatic, baktericidal, Chronic pain, Circulatory stimulant, convulsive state, cramp, Cramps, Diaphoretic, Disinfectant, dispel worms, expectorant, Expellant of phlegm, expel worms, helmint, hidrotic, Induce sweating, Mucolytic agent, Pain, painful disorders, painkiller, pain relief, pain relieving, Pains, pains in general, pain stilling, relax spasms, Spasm, Spasmolytic, Stimulate circulation, sudorific, sweat-inducing, treatment for worms, Used as an antiseptic, Vermicide, vermifugal, vermifuge, worm, worms


 (-)-Terpinen-4-Ol, Alpha-Pinene, Beta-Pinene, essential oil, eucalyptol, Guaiol, limonene, Monoterpene, Oxide, P-Cymene, Terpinolene, Γ-Terpinene

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0922

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen