Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Lamb's quarters



Lamb's quarters, Allgood, Baconweed, Bathua, Common lambsquarters, Common pigweed, Dirtweed, English mercury, Fat-hen, Goose foot, Lambsquarter, Lamb's quarter, Lambsquarters, Melde, Mercury goosefoot, Missouri goosefoot, Pigweed, Smearwort, Tola bona, White goosefoot


Chenopodium album L., Chenopodium viride L., Chenopodium album


All parts, Entire plant, foliage, Gem, Leaf, Root, Seed, Unspecified

Diseases & Uses

Ungrouped Diseases & Uses

Abdominal trouble, Ache, Aches, Affections of the liver, Analgesic, Anodyne, Antalgic, Anthelmintic, Antiarthritic, Anti-eczemic, Anti-fatigue, Antihaemorrhagic, Anti-hemorrhagic, Anti-inflammatory, Antiphogistic, Anti-Rheumatic, aperient, Arthritis, Arthrosis, Asthenia of liver, Bite, Bleeding, Carminative, Carminativum, catharic, Cathartic, Chronic pain, Clears gas, complaints of the stomach, constipation, Contraception, contraceptive, Costive, Costiveness, Cutaneous Eruptions, Dental Analgesic, Dental pain, disease of the liver, disease of the stomach, disorders of the liver, diuretic, Dyschezia, Dyssynergic defaecation, Eczema, eruption, excema, exhaustion, faintness, Fart, Fatigue, feebleness, Flatulence, flatulency, flatus, Gas, Gastropathy, haemorrhage, Haemorrhagic conditions, Haemorrhaging, helminthiasis, hemorrhage, Hemorrhaging, hepatic disease, Hepatic disorders, hepatic problems, indigestion, Inflammation of bowels, Inflammatory states of intestines, Inflammed joints, insect bite, insect bites, Insect bites and stings, intestinal gas, intestinal inflammation, intestinal worm, Intestinal worms, Joint inflammation, Joint inflammations, Languidness, Languor, Lassitude, Laxative, Listlessness, Liver ailments, liver complaints, Liver diseases, Liver disorders, Liverishness, liver problems, movements of the bowel, Pain, painful disorders, painkiller, pain relief, pain relieving, Pains, pains in general, pain stilling, purgative, Rash, Rashes, reduce inflammation, Rheumatic disorder, rheumatism, skin eruption, Skin Eruptions, skin rashes, sores, stings, Stomach aliment, stomach complaints, Stomach disease, stomach disorders, stomach problems, stomach trouble, sunburn, sunburnt, sun-scorched, Swollen feet, tiredness, Toothache, Tooth problems, Traumatic injury, Used in the treatment of liver disorders, weakness, Weakness of the bladder, weariness, wind, worm infection, Wound, wound care, Wounds, wound treatment


Poisonous to cattle, Poisonous to horses, Poisonous to humans, Poisonous to pigs, Poisonous to sheep

Other uses

colouring, Dye, Dyeing, Soap, Soap Substitute, soap substitutes, Used to dye different types of fibres

TCM - Traditional Chinese medicine

TCM: Heat-clearing, TCM MERIDIAN: NA, Traditional Chinese medicine, Used in traditional Chinese medicin

Local (Geographical) use

Phytomedical used in Chaoshan, China, Phytomedical use in Brazil, Phytomedical use in Cyprus, Used in Bangladesh


 Alanine, ammonia, arginine, ascorbic acid, Aspartic acid, Calcium, Campesterol, Carbohydrates, Chromium, Copper, Cystine, fat, Ferulic acid, Fibres, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Hydrogen cyanide, Imperatorin, iron, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, magnesium, manganese, Methionine, Methoxsalen, Molybdenum, Niacin, Nickel, nitrate, N-Nonacosane, Oleanolic acid, Oxalate, oxalic acid, Phenylalanine, phosphorus, potassium, Proline, protein, saponin, Scopoletin, Serine, Sitosterol, sodium, Stigmasterol, Threonine, Triacontanol, trigonelline, Trimethylglycine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Valine, Vanillic acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, water, zinc, Β-Carotene

Source: LiberHerbarum/Pn0785

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen