Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine





Plant Names


English Latin
American pennyroyalHedeoma pulegioidesVolatitile oil
American wild mintMentha canadensisLeaf
Bergamot mintMentha aquaticaLeaf
CarawayCarum carviSeed oil
DillAnethum graveolensSeed oil, Volatitile oil
Field mintMentha arvensisLeaf
Penny royalMentha pulegiumPlant, Volatitile oil
PeppermintMentha x piperitaLeaf
Scots pinePinus sylvestrisLeaf
Spear mintMentha spicataLeaf, Plant, Volatitile oil
Tea treeMelaleuca alternifoliaVolatitile oil
ValerianValeriana officinalisOil from the root

Source: LiberHerbarum/In7038

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen