Liber Herbarum Minor (English)
The incomplete reference-guide to Herbal medicine


Alpha-Ketoglutaric acid


  Alpha-Ketoglutaric acid, Α-Ketoglutaric acid, 2-Ketoglutaric acid, 2-Oxoglutaric acid, Alpha-Keto-Glutaric-Acid, Oxoglutaric acid

Plant Names


English Latin
BananaMusa x paradisiacaLeaf
BarleyHordeum vulgareSeed
CarambolaAverrhoa carambolaFruit
Common juniperJuniperus communisLeaf
Common tobaccoNicotiana tabacumLeaf
Didier's tulipTulipa gesnerianaBulb
Jimson weedDatura stramoniumPlant
OatAvena sativaPod husk
PeanutArachis hypogaeaSeed
PotatoSolanum tuberosumPlant
Red cloverTrifolium pratensePlant
SoybeanGlycine maxSeed
Tomato plantSolanum lycopersicumFruit
Wild carrotDaucus carotaRoot

Source: LiberHerbarum/In1865

Copyright Erik Gotfredsen